Scars Of A Broken Bond free novel - Chapter 698

Chapter 698


I agree. My resources are somewhat limited. Thats why I needed your assistance. Sabrina smiled. The date I returned was January 3rd. I disembarked from the plane at 7 a.m. and crossed paths with them on my way to the baggage claim area. Decker should also be investigated. I have seen him twice. The first time was when I was about to travel abroad. I saw him at Mathias International Airport. The second was when I was returning home. I also discovered that the passengers who arrived at Sliphario Airport during that period also came from overseas airlines. Additionally, Decker comes from an ordinary family background. They experienced significant financial depletion due to past civil compensation. I suspect he had some money issues.

Darren nodded. I see. Ill delve into the backgrounds of both individuals. Thats all ILL require for today. If anything springs to mind, please dont hesitate to contact me, no matter how seemingly insignificant. Similarly, I will keep you informed of any new developments that come to Light.

Thank you. Two hundred thousand will be wired to your account shortly.

I look forward to hearing from you.

After their meeting concluded, Sabrina bid farewell to Darren as he left the cafe.

Sabrina returned home and scanned the living room, but Bun was nowhere to be found.

As she knelt and peered under the table, a large pair of curious eyes stared back at her.

Sabrina couldnt help Laughing.

The kitten finally ventured out upon seeing Sabrina. Meow.

With Bun nestled in her arms, Sabrina settled onto the sofa, gently stroking her soft fur. She reached for her phone and dialed Wandas number.

After a few rings, the housekeeper answered, Hello, Sabrina?

Hello, is Grandma at home?

Yes, Ill give her the phone.

Hello, Sabrina? Have you come back from your trip? How was your trip abroad? Why are you calling me? Wanda pressed her finger to her Lips, motioning for Tyrone to remain silent.

Grandma, nothing important. I just wanted to see you, but I thought Id check if you were home first.

I am home, dear. Come and visit. Ive missed you.

Tyrone, observing the interaction, couldnt help but smile bitterly.

Though he couldnt hear Sabrinas side of the conversation, he could sense the underlying emotions.

Actually, Sabrina called to know if Tyrone was at Wandas place.

By the way, Grandma, is anyone else at home? Sabrina asked, her tone carrying a meaningful undertone.

Wanda immediately understood the implied question behind Sabrinas inquiry.

